Risks of having High Blood Pressure
“They main risk is having a heart attack or a stroke. “
- Nurse Associate
“There’s either things that harm you or things that kill you. Things that harm you might be damage to vision, erection problems, problems with circulation in the legs, kidney disease - they’re things that won’t kill you but make your life less pleasant. And then there are things that can possibly kill you like heart disease, heart attacks, strokes.” - General Practitioner
“So with a lot of medical problems, once you have them, you have them. But that doesn’t mean it's a problem. Most things can be well controlled they just won't go - we call them chronic or long term problems. It doesn't mean that you can't do what you want to do or live your life fully, you just need to be aware that it's there. So whether that's high blood pressure or high sugars from diabetes, if you’re sensible, look after yourself, take whatever tablets need to be taken, there’s no reason why you can’t have a long term problem and still be happy and healthy with it.”
- General Practitioner